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Hungarian folk music is the closest to my heart, and folk singing has been part of my life since I can remember. The thoughts expressed in folk songs are still relevant and understandable today. As a performer I think it is important to know the different styles of the various regions of the Hungarian language area. I strive for an authentic interpretation of the songs. In my experience, the true beauty of a folk song lies in its authenticity.

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Júlia Kubinyi is a folk singer, who has received Hungary’s title of ‘Young Master of Folk Arts’ in 2012; then the Junior Prima award in 2013. Many people know her as one of the finalists in the 2012 Páva Folk Talent Contest broadcast on Hungarian National Television. Hungarian folk music and folk dance have been part of her everyday life since childhood. She has contributed her vocal talents to numerous recordings, Hungarian folk song competitions, and local and international festivals in Europe and overseas.


Since 2008, she is the dedicated singer of Dűvő Ensemble, although she sings regularly as a guest-artist with many Hungarian folk music formations.  Starting from 2021, she has been the solo singer of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble.

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2024 - Hungarian Bronze Cross of Merit state award

2021 - Dance House Medal

2017 - Prima Award of Nograd County (as a member of Duvo Band)

2013 - Junior Prima Award in ‘Folk Art and Public Culture Category’

2012 - Finalist of Páva Folk Talent Contest in the ‘Singer and Instrumental Soloist' Category. Broadcasted on Hungarian National Television


2012 - Young Master of Folk Arts Award


2008 - Zala Chamber Dance Festival – Music Award



Júlia Kubinyi, Balázs Dongó Szokolay and Ferenc Zimber form a unique ensemble that plays a quiescent form of improvisational chamber music inspired by folk music. The wind instruments used in traditional Hungarian folk music, along with the virtuosity of the hammered dulcimer, bring about a new and playful version of the melodies born in the Carpathian Basin. In their arrangements, the music of Székelyföld, Moldva, Mezőség, Nyitra and the Somogy regions are brought to light.

Júlia Kubinyi – vocal

Ferenc Zimber – hammered dulcimer

Balázs Szokolay Dongó – sheperd’s flutes, kaval, bagpipe

A salgótarjáni gyökerű Dűvő zenekar több, mint negyven éve foglalkozik a Kárpát-medence etnikumainak hagyományos népzenéjével, ennek gyűjtésével, tanításával és színpadra állításával. A zenekar 1983-ban nyerte el a „Népművészet Ifjú Mestere” címet és kétszer kapta meg a „Kiváló Együttes” kitüntetést. 2017-ben megyei Príma Díjat, 2018-ban Szeder Fábián díjat kaptak. Jelenlegi felállásban 2008 óta működnek.


Júlia Kubinyi - vocal

Dénes Hrúz, Szabolcs Hrúz - violin

Zsolt Nagy- viola

Albert Mohácsy - double bass

Kubinyi Júlia, Kurdi Gábor, Pusko Márton triója magyar népzenét játszik az egyes tájegységeken használatos hangszereken, mégis egyedi megszólalásban. Izgalmas és változatos hangszerelésben mutatják be a Kárpát-medence azon tájegységeinek magyar népzenéjét, melyek a teljes vonószenekari felállástól eltérően egy vagy két hangszerrel megszólaltathatók. Koncertjeiken a szóló énekhang mellett hegedű, duda, ütőgardon, furulya, kaval, koboz, hosszúfurulya, citera hangszereken moldvai, mezőségi, felvidéki és dunántúli dallamok szólalnak meg.

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Besides singing in various kinds of musical ensembles that play traditional Hungarian folk music, Julia is also a regular guest artist in numerous world music productions and dance shows across diverse genres.



On my way (2015)

1.    My dear mother… (Rimóc, Nógrád County)
2.    You gladly said hello (Nyíradony, Nyírség Region)
3.    On a long trip alone (Lészped/Lespezi, Moldavia)
4.    Way over there is Csengő (Magyarszentbenedek, Maros-Küküllő Region, Transylvania)
5.    Without star (Szék/Sic, Transylvania)
6.    Who you gave a rose (Magyarszovát/Suatu, Mezőség Region, Transylvania)
7.    As long as I live (Magyarszovát/Suatu, Mezőség Region, Transylvania)
8.    Fort he love of God (Moldavia)
9.    Let’s go where we’re needed (Tardoskedd/Tvrdosovce, Nitra Region)
10.    The sound of a bagpipe (Nógrád County)
11.    Little tame one (Magyarvista/Vistea, Kalotaszeg Region, Transylvania)
12.    My dear mother (Rimóc, Nógrád Couty)
13.    It’s past time (Medvesalja Region)

On her first own album debuted in 2015, Julia selects various melodies from a variety of areas in the Carpathian Basin. Besides the music of her homeland, Palóc region, she plays tunes from Szék, Moldva, Nyírség, Magyarszovát, Kalotaszeg and Nyitra. Contributors: Julia Kubinyi - vocal, Balázs Unger – hammered dulcimer, Mátyás Bolya – koboz,  Dénes Hrúz– violin, Szabolcs Hrúz – violin, Albert Mohácsy - double bass, cello,  Zsolt Nagy -viola, Balázs Szokolay Dongó - flutes, bagpipe, tárogató.


Publishes by Viva La Musica, 2015

RUSTICO (2018)

1. Plead to the Sun - melodies from Székelyföld
2. Merrily - melodies from Székelyföld
3. Till the end of days - melodies from Magyarszovát
4. May the Lord be gracious unto me - melodies from Moldva
5. Evening stars - melodies from Nyitra
6. Nice and quietly - melodies from Visa
7. Separation - melodies from Bözöd
8. If I were a peacock - melodies from Somogy
9. In my garden - inspired by the music of Moldva


Publishes by Fono, 2018



+36 20 461 7285


All rights reserved © Julia Kubinyi 2020

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